Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oh mylanta

One of the funniest pranks I ever pulled was this iPhone autocorrect joke on the beau. In the settings of an iPhone you can have it "autocorrect" certain worlds. Basically, I took words like "omg" and when he would type that word, it'd change to"oh mylanta" or "lol" was "lots of licks". It drove him crazy. But the damn fruitcake never said a WORD to me until I finally asked him if his phone was okay! He figured it was just another weird iPhone glitch that he's used to. So although I didn't get the reaction I wanted, it made me laugh knowing he was typing in acronyms and "autocorrect" was changing it to completely different words.

Oh, and speaking oh mylanta....never eat hot wings/crockpot buffalo chicken 3 days in a row. Unless you want to totally pee out of your b-hole. Don't throw coffee in the mix thinking it won't be that bad. Ugh, honey...yes, it will be that bad. 

That's all. Just a friendly reminder to not eat yourself into a hot sauce fueled diarrhea explosion.


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