First ever linkup, let's see if I can even do this correctly (just a little blog impaired). I'm linking up with Whitney over at I wore yoga pants. She's a fellow FL girl and funny as h-e-double-hockey-sticks.
A few random facts about me:
I normally paint my nails once a day. Where do I find the time? I have no idea. Minus 5 minutes from your shower & you have time to paint your nails.
Speaking of nails, I rarely use finger nail polish remover, so I just pick off the polish. Then there will be a little random pile of fingernail polish pickins' that I have to vacuum up.
Speaking of vacuum + chores, I hate vacuuming. Only because we have wood + tile + some carpet, so it means 2 different vacuum cleaners and a broom. / cue emotional "woe is me" theme music now.
Let's talk coffee. Love it iced, hate it hot.
I'm such a closet hoarder sentimental lady, that I've been paying $90 a month for a storage unit I haven't really seen the contents of in about 2 years. I might be a few episodes away from a "hoarders" episode. Holla.
I'm finally back in college after an 8 year break. Seriously kids, stay in school.
I guess that's it. Because it's 6:30 and I definitely didn't think this post through. So there's some random crap for ya!
All these years and I didnt know that you hated your coffee hot. We cannot be seen communicating anymore. :P
A girl from my own heart... I pick almost ALL of my polish off every single time. I can't help it!
Haha, Frank tries his hardest to make me drink it hot...he says he'll "convert". No such successful converting going on over here ;)
Ugh, me either! i think it's an anxiety thing, or something. Awesome linkup, btw!
you are a sad (but beautiful) individual! <3 <3
Urgh - I hate vacuuming too! Luckily that is the one chore that my husband does! New Follower :)
Thanks for following, Alisa! I'm following back :)
Don't be a hater bitch lol
Wow so interesting that you don't like hot coffee! What do you do in the wintertime to warm you up? I would die! Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. Hope you don't mind if I follow along!
new follower :)
Welcome! I'm in Florida, so we don't have much of a winter :)
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