Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30 by 30

Okay ya'll, so I was feeling so discouraged.

I was eating well (or so I thought), and busting my butt working out and NOTHING was happening.  Sure, my clothes were getting looser but I wanted that magical number on the scale to start going down.  I decided to do something drastic.

I joined a chicks only boot camp.  And it's actually been fun!  I've been 7 times in the last 16 days and so far have lost a total of 5.1 lbs.  Yes, the .1 totally counts.  It just feels so good to start seeing the scale move again.

The crazy thing?  I am eating so much more, but I'm also sticking to a paleo diet.  I guess I should use that term loosely because I had a few beers last Saturday, and once in awhile I'll have a piece of chocolate after dinner.  But besides that, no cheating.  Coffee black.  Eggs & chia seeds & veggies for breakfast.  Boring food, but nutritious food and I'm okay with that. 

It feels weird that I just realized I am actually starting to achieve my birthday goal.  Sure I still have almost 25 lbs. to lose before my birthday, but I'm getting there.  Finally.

Hope you're all having a fabulous week.  We got major rain here tonight, so we're just relaxing on the couch since the beau has been out of town the past few days.  We've got some catching up to do.  ;)


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