Monday, April 22, 2013

Tons-o-weekend Fun

Had a fabulous time this weekend spending it with the beau's family.  It was his nephew's first birthday, and true to fashion, the beau's SIL threw an amazing party!  Seriously, I don't know how she does it.  She always has the most amazing food and desserts it will pretty much make you drool on yourself.  

I always love it when the LO & his cousins get together.  He just loves it so much, and has a fun time that it's all he talks about for quite awhile.

After the party fun on Saturday, we ventured out to Lake Eola on Sunday morning.  They were having a farmers market, and a free book event for the kids.  Lunch at Panera, and then we were in the car for the 2 hour drive home.  

It wasn't a very eventful weekend, but it was fun.  Good, quality family time.  That's the stuff memories are made of.

The LO wanted to dress his cousin up...I die.  Too much cuteness. 

Some of the desserts...ugh, I stayed away from it all thankyouverymuch. 

Ugh...I am so jelly of Kristen's skinny ass legs. 

This is my tall drink of water showing me how to stretch my aching calves...mmm yeah, about that. 

Look at this big ass birds nest!  That bird was definitely close to poking my eyeball out.

Hope everyone survived their Monday!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

30 by 30

Oh, where to start with this post?

I thought about quitting this weekend.  Just giving up.  I can't seem to control myself on the weekends.  I eat like my life depends on it.  I drink like I'm in a college frat some weekends.  I gained a few pounds.  I really did think about quitting.

Then I told myself NO.  There has to be something else that will work for me.  So, I joined a boot camp.  No lie.  I worked out yesterday morning.  I am so not a morning person.  But I went.  And got my ass kicked for a full hour.  It was brutal and I can barely walk.  So I skipped the boot camp today, but will run tonight.  And be back at boot camp tomorrow.

I just see people around try with such minimal effort and they lose.  And here I am, all big and uncomfortable.  So I will keep going.  Not give up like I usually do.  Something will happen, eventually.

Moral of the story:  everyone is different, never give up.  Even if it's sometimes hard as a mother effer.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Styles that leave your man thinking "what the eff" this bitch wearing?  Now I know the beau doesn't refer to me as a bitch, ever, because he's smarter than that, but there are times when it would be totally appropriate:

What kinda weird makeup job is that?  Why does she look like a cat?
Whoa!  Who's she going to stab with those nails?
Wow!  Those shorts are short...(said no man ever.)

So I guess there are exceptions to every rule.  

Anyways, I recently found out there are some things that women do that leave men totally scratching their head.  Of course I only found this out because I am totally guilty of a few of these and the beau finally fessed up.  Here's the list of things you wear/do that will leave your man wondering who started this fashion trend and why you decided to hop on the train.

Black nails.  I am so guilty of this.  I love black nails.  Maybe it's because they match my soul (kidding), or maybe because I'm not really good at washing my hands and they hide the dirt under my nails?  I really have no idea why I'm so in love with black nails, I just am.  So this trend is staying.  

While we're on the subject of nails, let's talk super pointy nails.  No, you are not a kitty cat.  No, your nails should never be used as weapons.  Unless of course you're Lady Gaga.  I'm sure that chick is into some weird shit.  She does wear meat dresses, after all.  These nails are a no, no, no.  Unless you want your man to run away from you in the bedroom.  Then they're a major do!

Let's talk leopard.  Now, I guess I should probably clarify with my beau if men hate all leopard print, or just ridiculous iPhone cases.  Either way, I bought this gorgeous cover and he says "what IS that thing? It's hideous!!"  Again, I will keep this trend.  Because I love all things leopard print thankyouverymuch.

Let's talk hair.  I love buns.  My hair is almost to my ass crack.  It's long, it's thick, it can be a royal pain in the  the b-hole.  Buns are my go-to hair do when I don't have much time.  Apparently men hate them.  It's true, they even dedicated a whole "King of Queens" episode about it.  Oh well, this is another one of my "styles" that is staying.  I might even throw in a sock bun here and there to really make him question what's going on.

Speaking of hair, how do you feel about the "poof?"  Apparently it makes the male species question what the hell you've done to yourself.  I wore it other day around the LO (who is only 5) and he says "Ms. Cole, what's wrong with your hair?" I couldn't help but laugh.  And once upon a time, I had a horrible the my bangs constantly stuck to my forehead.  The poof helped get rid of that.  I don't care what any man says, I love the damn poof.  

Last thing that confuses the shit balls out of them:  statement necklaces.  They have no idea what's hanging around our necks.  The beau said he much prefers something dainty. Too bad for him, as I've purchased around 10 "statement" necklaces.  Know what statement I'm trying to make?  That I like big things on my chest.  Ha!  

What fashion items/styles do you wear/do that you think (or know) your beau thinks is totally weird?  I'm sure there are plenty we've missed.

Hope everyones having a great week!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

See that cool cat? That's me in 40 years.

Do you ever see those women in their 70's and 80's that still have their shit together?  Well, that will more than likely NOT be me, but it's fun to dream.  I feel like we all spend so much time wishing our life away, we need to take a step back and start enjoying what's going on in the moment!  Constantly through the week I am wishing the days away, wishing it was another day where I have something else planned.  And this sucks.  And when you step back and evaluate, it's like "holy shit, why am I wishing all of these days and less exciting experiences away?"  Maybe it's just me, maybe it's all women, hell, maybe it's everyone.  Not sure, but here are a few things I'm looking forward to when I'm an old(er) hip lady:

Elastic pants.  Can I get a fuck yes!  No more muffin top?  Sign me up.  I know, I know...I could actually wear pants that fit, but what's the fun in that?  

Purses big enough to knock someone out with.  I don't know how they do it with their old lady backs, but man, those purses are big enough to fit a bowling ball in.  I can fit a shit-load of butterscotch candies in this thing:

I can FINALLY wear comfy shoes!  I will not be a slave to any more high heels.  I'm thinking these shoes are where it's at (it's a bonus that I don't have to tie them):

Another thing?  I can totally get away with making faces like this without people thinking I belong in a mental institution:

Last but not least?  The perfumes.  Sure, they smell like ass to me now, but I'm guessing another 40 years my olfactory will be totally useless, so the perfume will smell good.  And then I can assault other people with my perfume smells.  Unless of course I'm shitting myself by this time.  In which case I'll assault their young olfactory perceptions with my perfumey ass smell:

Here's to another 40 years!

30 by 30

Everything is going well this week as far as weight loss goes.  I hit a bump in the road on Friday because I thought Domino's Pizza was a good idea.  Boy did I pay for that dumb idea.  Sunday was Easter, so of course I indulged.  It was as though I had never eaten a carb before.  I wanted them all. Platefuls of them.  Ugh, I get sick just thinking about cramming all that food down my mouth.

I made a few goals this month that I hope to stick to:

Finish my food/exercise diary on MFP everyday, no matter what;
Finish the c25k.  I've got like 2 weeks left and I'm done; 
Not weigh myself this month.  Everything is fitter better and I'm liking what I see in the mirror, so why get stuck on the number?; and
Not buy any new clothes this month.

That last one isn't fitness related but it needs to be done.  I'd rather have more $ for new clothes when I reach my goal.

Headed out to the LO's soccer game.  Sorry for the super uninteresting post, but I hope ya'll had a fab day!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

That one time I was the "cool kid" in school

Remember all of the times people thought you were the kid cool at school?  Yeah, me neither.  I do remember the times I'd get a new little outfit, or some sweet little sneakers and thought I was the greatest fancy pants ever.  I'd get new sneakers and have to sleep in them, I was that damn excited.  Well, that need to sleep in my shoes hasn't really hit me since I've been an adult.  Until tonight.  Someone mentioned all of the cute clothes that Cato's has and they were 100% RIGHT!  I went in tonight after work and found these little shoes.  They were on sale for $19.99 (HOLLA!) and fit pretty comfy.  So, I know you're wondering if I'm currently sleeping in them?  Nah, the boyfriend would probably try and get fresh with me, hehe.  Check out these beauties:

Tell me you wouldn't try to sleep with me while wearing these?  Ha!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Divine intervention happened to me.

Have you ever had one of those situations happen?  Where you were supposed to be somewhere at a certain time, but something happened, made you run late, you ended up at said place later than usual, and when you got there something bad had happened?  I'm not sure if it's called divine intervention, or if it's the stars aligning, or an angel watching out for you but if you haven't had it happen.  It's a goose bump inducing make you thank the Gods reaction.

It started this past Friday when I was headed to the boat after work to help the beau fix assist with some issues it'd been having.  Stereo, oil, gas problems, ya know the whole break out another thousand (boat) thing.

Anyways, I got off the interstate and headed in that direction.  I noticed a little alligator on the side of the road and drove right past.  After I passed it, I thought "wait, should I call animal control or something?" I had never seen a small baby gator on the side of the road, and didn't want him to get hurt, so I was going to call.  I drove a few more miles and figured I had to do something.  If you know me, you know I'm a total nature lover.  I love all animals.  I pray for poor little dead animals on the side of the road.  I pull over and help a turtle cross.  Yes, I am that crazy lady.  So I decide to turn around and save this damn gator.  I turn around, get to the stop light, do a u-turn and can't find the little guy anywhere.  "Damnit!" I think to myself.  Just as I'm losing hope, I see him trying to cross.  I was grateful it was me that he was crossing in front of, because I was aware he was there and not off in la-la land like most drivers I see on a daily basis.  I stop and let the little guy cross.  It takes him a few minutes.  People start honking.  Assholes.  Give nature a damn chance to survive, I say.  He finally gets across the road after a few minutes, I piss off a whole lotta people but am on my way back to the boat.  Just as I get to the next intersection I see a horrible accident had just happened and only 1 cop was there.  I got instant goose bumps and thought that could have been me.  Was it a guardian angel?  Divine intervention?  I have no idea.  But I was and am thankful.  My angels work in mysterious ways, I'll tell ya that.

Now that I've confessed what an animal loving hippy I am, I'll leave you to carry on to your evening.  

Hope you all had a fabulous Easter.  We sure did!