Wednesday, April 3, 2013

See that cool cat? That's me in 40 years.

Do you ever see those women in their 70's and 80's that still have their shit together?  Well, that will more than likely NOT be me, but it's fun to dream.  I feel like we all spend so much time wishing our life away, we need to take a step back and start enjoying what's going on in the moment!  Constantly through the week I am wishing the days away, wishing it was another day where I have something else planned.  And this sucks.  And when you step back and evaluate, it's like "holy shit, why am I wishing all of these days and less exciting experiences away?"  Maybe it's just me, maybe it's all women, hell, maybe it's everyone.  Not sure, but here are a few things I'm looking forward to when I'm an old(er) hip lady:

Elastic pants.  Can I get a fuck yes!  No more muffin top?  Sign me up.  I know, I know...I could actually wear pants that fit, but what's the fun in that?  

Purses big enough to knock someone out with.  I don't know how they do it with their old lady backs, but man, those purses are big enough to fit a bowling ball in.  I can fit a shit-load of butterscotch candies in this thing:

I can FINALLY wear comfy shoes!  I will not be a slave to any more high heels.  I'm thinking these shoes are where it's at (it's a bonus that I don't have to tie them):

Another thing?  I can totally get away with making faces like this without people thinking I belong in a mental institution:

Last but not least?  The perfumes.  Sure, they smell like ass to me now, but I'm guessing another 40 years my olfactory will be totally useless, so the perfume will smell good.  And then I can assault other people with my perfume smells.  Unless of course I'm shitting myself by this time.  In which case I'll assault their young olfactory perceptions with my perfumey ass smell:

Here's to another 40 years!


Dallin Stokes said...

LMFAO...this post was great...seriously best topic you have done so far!

Nicole said...

So what do you think? Ready to grow old with me? lol.

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