Have you ever had one of those situations happen? Where you were supposed to be somewhere at a certain time, but something happened, made you run late, you ended up at said place later than usual, and when you got there something bad had happened? I'm not sure if it's called divine intervention, or if it's the stars aligning, or an angel watching out for you but if you haven't had it happen. It's a goose bump inducing make you thank the Gods reaction.
It started this past Friday when I was headed to the boat after work to help the beau fix assist with some issues it'd been having. Stereo, oil, gas problems, ya know the whole break out another thousand (boat) thing.
Anyways, I got off the interstate and headed in that direction. I noticed a little alligator on the side of the road and drove right past. After I passed it, I thought "wait, should I call animal control or something?" I had never seen a small baby gator on the side of the road, and didn't want him to get hurt, so I was going to call. I drove a few more miles and figured I had to do something. If you know me, you know I'm a total nature lover. I love all animals. I pray for poor little dead animals on the side of the road. I pull over and help a turtle cross. Yes, I am that crazy lady. So I decide to turn around and save this damn gator. I turn around, get to the stop light, do a u-turn and can't find the little guy anywhere. "Damnit!" I think to myself. Just as I'm losing hope, I see him trying to cross. I was grateful it was me that he was crossing in front of, because I was aware he was there and not off in la-la land like most drivers I see on a daily basis. I stop and let the little guy cross. It takes him a few minutes. People start honking. Assholes. Give nature a damn chance to survive, I say. He finally gets across the road after a few minutes, I piss off a whole lotta people but am on my way back to the boat. Just as I get to the next intersection I see a horrible accident had just happened and only 1 cop was there. I got instant goose bumps and thought that could have been me. Was it a guardian angel? Divine intervention? I have no idea. But I was and am thankful. My angels work in mysterious ways, I'll tell ya that.
Now that I've confessed what an animal loving hippy I am, I'll leave you to carry on to your evening.
Hope you all had a fabulous Easter. We sure did!
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