Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weekend update

So it came back.  The motivation.  I was just thinking about how I've lost 10 lbs. so far and I can't stop now.  Unfortunately, I've always quit because it's just so much easier to do than put in the work.  I've been "dieting" for as long as I can remember.  Probably since 4th good.  Off and on, off and on, goodness it can be exhausting.  Although I did totally stuff my face hole with sushi & sake last night, but a girls gotta eat...right?

Anyways, while I was looking for inspiration on the internet, I was mainly looking for a WOD (workout of the day.)  I can NEVER find something that just tells me what to do!  I need a workout plan written out for me.  I made this one up while I was being a shithead and missing boot camp, so here ya go.  I actually had fun creating this!

We went out for sushi last night and it was so damn good.  I had been craving it for awhile so we finally found a place close to the house & it did not disappoint.  I'm not sure what the rest of the weekend has in store for us, but we will see.  Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend


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