Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sew what?!

Omg Omg Omg, ya'll!!! I made a skirt, and a sash, because I'm such a fucking badass!! But, seriously. I've been trying to sew for about the last month. The beau finally figured out how to thread the needle, and he taught me. Good job, beau! You rock! I won't admit to how long I'd been sitting at the damn sewing machine every night after work silently cursing daydreaming about all of the nice things I'd sew for my friends and I. Anyways, after trying what seemed like 30983091 different techniques, I finally found a tutorial (that's in all spanish - with porno spanish music playing in the background), and it finally clicked! The woman in the tutorial put it in "Nicole" terms! I started sewing away and a few minutes later finally came up with this gem. Well, I can't show you right now. I will upload pictures tomorrow! :)

On another note, the beau got himself a "flashback Atari" last night from Walmart (on clearance, shocking - I know). Since we had the LO tonight, they wanted to play a game after dinner. Behold, the cutest site I've ever seen:

I'm so blessed to be a part of their lives. Beau is so so good to me. He is such an amazing Father and it really makes me melt to watch the 2 of them together. 

Ok! I'm going to catch an episode of "Taboo"'s on adult "babies". Bizarre, but I love a good mind fuck every now and then!


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